2009年1月14日 星期三

Windows 7


Can't wait to get a hand on this... looks good so far.

4 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Windows 7 already? I even didn;t get the chance to learn Vista. ha

What are their difference Ming?

長空飛劍65 提到...

1. Windows 7 is very much similar to Vista, some improvments of course.
2. As with any Windows when 1st installed it runs very well, but as time goes by problems creeping up(from the various softwares you installed, my guess).
3. The Beta is free for testing, if you have a spare hard disk, download and try it, it's faster than Vista on the same hardware.

tofu 提到...

明炫, 你正在試用w7嗎 等過一陣子,可否將試用的結果說一下.


Bikerdoc65 提到...


In a reversal, Microsoft said on Thursday that it will make changes to the way a controversial security feature works in Windows 7.

After getting lots of feedback that Windows Vista too often prompted users to approve changes, Microsoft had decided in Windows 7 to prompt users less frequently. However, in recent days, some enthusiasts and security experts warned that the specific changes Microsoft planned to make with Windows 7 could put users at risk.

Microsoft initially downplayed the risks and defended its choices around the User Account Control feature. On Thursday, though, the company's two top Windows engineers said the company will make some modifications in response to the outcry.
