2008年9月18日 星期四

The Death of Paper Money

"The government gets money in one of two ways: they tax the people or they issue (sell) debt (T-bonds). Federal Reserve Notes are the currency of the realm. United State’s T-bonds “secure” FRN’s. T-bonds are paid for with FRN’s. Do you see the conflict of interest here – the moral hazard? Debt is being used to secure debt. Credit is used to create more money and more debt: promises back promises. It is a mug’s game."

11 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...

Eventually the world economy will go back to normal, sooner or later,
so any down turn could be big chance to make good fortune. Am I right or wrong?
hmm...I should add, "if you pick the right one to invest"

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Hi Ming,

I am not trying to scare any one. I believe we are going to see the most scary financial disaster in human history.

Please and please take a read of this article: http://www.financialsense.com/fsu/editorials/willie/2008/0918.html

I wish every one take care and protect yourselves. I only believe: Gold, Guns and Rice, now.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Those are the only three things I'll buy.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Here is Citigroups' report about gold. It proved that I havn't been a nut. LOL


Now, this is the perfect tiem to buy some plain physical gold. Only buy those gold coins and bars having the lowest premiums.

The next step is to buy some guns for your home and personal protection for those in the US. You may laugh me about this thinking just like you laughed about gold. I prefer not to get caught in the situation when every one else want the same thing that I am buying. Please take actions. Take care.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Now, Chinese finally took this seriously and ready to act!

China Blames Wall Street Meltdown On Fed Overissuance Of Currency

--Saving financial institutions at cost of taxpayer part of wider agenda to increase control over global economy, says Communist state media


Bikerdoc65 提到...

I am not kidding you.




The worst is yet to come
'No market for old men,' TCW investment strategist warns in gloomy forecast


Bikerdoc65 提到...

Why did I talk about guns? It appears that US government didn't want to tell you this:


Army Unit to Deploy in October for Domestic Operations
Beginning in October, the Army plans to station an active unit inside the United States for the first time to serve as an on-call federal response in times of emergency. The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent thirty-five of the last sixty months in Iraq, but now the unit is training for domestic operations. The unit will soon be under the day-to-day control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. The Army Times reports this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to Northern Command. The paper says the Army unit may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control. The soldiers are learning to use so-called nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals and crowds.

You should get yours before banning sale of guns when riot began. I am not kidding, seriously.

tofu 提到...

維治, 相當有遠見.

記得前年時, 他說黃金會到1000元, 美國有很多銀行會倒閉. 當時沒幾個人信. 我當時相信,也試半信半疑.

直到去年6,7月吧,subprime loan 的風暴爆發, 加上 cdo, cds 的風暴陸續爆發. 我才發現事情真的嚴重了.

現在他又在下我們說美鈔死了. 唉, 不知道該信還是不信...

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Thank you. ha I have been studying hard like a pupil under world elites day and night for years.

The current sitution is much bigger than the old subprime problems. The so called CDO and CDS are a part of financial derivative. The banks fell down like dominos when their derivatives turned worthless. I listed the reasons before. In short, they are just highly leveraged financial models and have very little cash value in them. When they begin to lose money their asset values turn into zero instantly. Their szie is estimated to be 5 to 20 trillion more to go down the tube. My guess is 7 to 70 trillion. Basically the paper money in every country could be worthless. This is the time to turn to hard assets for protection. I wish every one the best.


Don't forget that there are still several hundred trillion dollars of derivatives in the world stock markets. When the stock markets melted down, the whole world will turn back to stone age. I hope it won't happen. Have you seen the movie "Mad Max"? If not, take a look :(

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Who is laughing now!


Peter Schiff- Bulls & Bears - 12/16/2006

What to do now!


Peter Schiff - Bloomberg 9/22/2008

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Where are those big gold bars from?

When 1 oz gold coins or bars disappeared from the market unless you are willing to pay very high premiums, while the spot and futures market are hammered. In the mean time, steady limited supplies of large 100- and 400-oz gold bars arrive the market, and the gold lease rates rocket to 6-year high.

What do they tell us? It looks like the gold market shuts its door to the small buyers but not for the big accounts. Where are the big bars from and who own them at the first place? The most logical sources are the central bank leasing programs other wise the lease rate shouldn't shoot up to the moon.

It seems that whoever borrowing gold are in desperate move to control the POG.


This could be the last carry trade:
