2008年8月12日 星期二

8.12:11 ^o^好水的拉拉隊MM^o^


3 則留言:

wandering65 提到...

I've got mails from this address ages ago; many of them were really rubbish stuff. After checking, this is 陳永昌' mail address. However I don't think they were really from him. His mail box may have been druged.

Have tried many effort to ban mails from this address without success. Our old mate is keen to keep us contacted, ha.

winstonhohoho 提到...

I still received once a while, but I never open it. The recent one maybe a month ago. It looks weird.

長空飛劍65 提到...

昌兄的電腦可能得了一種叫做email worm的病毒,
The worm uses its own SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) engine to forward itself to e-mail addresses that it gathers from infected computers.