2008年2月23日 星期六




3 則留言:

tofu 提到...

哈, 有意思. 不知道那些錢可不可以買filterdoc 的金條 或金磚...

他的金條跟金磚可能是真的, 但名字是假的,這樣說不知通不通.

維治看黃金,美金,白銀的眼光很準, 這幾年大撈特撈,我看下次同學會,要請維治兄幫大家包專機回國.....哈 哈 哈.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Tofu, I only preserved my buying power, and it is only a paper gain, which means that I haven't touch the money yet. It still can be gone in a heartbeat.

But, I think the door is still wide open for every one to make a bundle. Please read on:


Gold, the great drama
Richard Russell snippet
Dow Theory Letters
Mar 5, 2008

"The US public is unaware of the great phenomenon that is playing out before their eyes. Somewhere ahead, the US public will enter the bull market. Will it be in 2008, in 2009, in 2010? The timing, as we might suspect, is known only to the mysterious gods of the market."

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Now, I'll give it back to Tofu for his forecast of timing with Elliot Wave analysis.

You probably don't know that he is the master of this technique. We shall see if he can pull out a magic for us. You are on now, Tofu. LOL