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2007年11月5日 星期一
Visit my son's dorm
Visited my son's dorm at school recently. Share the picture with you.
My son, open-mouthed zombie, in the back with wild-girls zombies and Indiana Jones. Please introduce normal girl friend to him. I am so worry. (Halloween at dorm's hallway)
4 則留言:
如果我有girl friend, 自己用都不夠.哪有多的去分給您老的公子,...哈.
您老以前女朋友好像也不少, 你自己的分一兩個給他, 不就得了...哈.
這兩個girls 都很正常阿,以Halloween 的標準.
Don't worry. These young kids are a lot smarter than we were. LOL
Dr. Ho,
You have a handsome boy. Those girls parents should be worried. Not you.