2007年11月5日 星期一

On my way to Hong Kong

Guys, I took a flight to Hong Kong on Nov. 3 and then enter China by car. Will post any picture that I find interesting, I may also take requests to post anything you guys want to see.

10 則留言:

tofu 提到...


我知道您老此行,有落雁嫂在旁好好'照顧',非常幸福,...哈,...但若有機會,看到有'彩色'的圖片,不宜在此登出, 您老可以用email傳來即可...哈

wandering65 提到...

Which parts of China or cities you are going to visit?

長空飛劍65 提到...

I am in ShaJin Town, near ShenZhen. Everywhere you see people walking on the street, they are not afraid of Cars, as usual - China is people first. Lots of factory worker.
tofu, I am by myself, so if you request "color photo" I will get it for you.

wandering65 提到...

Will you in those 'color photos', if so Tofu will join you as soon as possible, I guess.

沈魚落雁 提到...

明哥哥...什麼"color photo"??? 出門前給我吃那麼多"定心丸", 怎麼一出美國海關就全忘了!!! 小心, 在你身上安了雷達偵測器哦!

winstonhohoho 提到...

落雁,飛劍will travel thousands of miles, cross the pacific ocean, to meet and have a "date" in Taiwan- How romantic! Have a good time! I am waiting to read Ming's diary.

長空飛劍65 提到...

The 2nd photo is what I believe to represent today,s China, construction everwhere, lots of factories and farm lands are gradually squeezed out.

Gees!! I am on a mission here and tofu only wants "color photos"?

wandering65 提到...

Talk about the development there, that would be informative.

What is the future of China, in your view. Any barrier during communicating; people's attitude, concept and so on.

I've been to ShenZhen once, that was more than 20 years ago. Things are no more the same, I believe.

長空飛劍65 提到...

I didn't have contact with outside the company yet, but within the employees, they are friendly and our conversation sometimes you need to pause couples of seconds to figure out what they are talking about, mainly due to the use of different words.
The workers are paid very low wages, only ~7-800 人民幣/month. company provide housing (8/room) and meals. I was told some worker save most of the pay and only spend the 零頭 (if paid 718, he only spend 18).
This is an industrial town, most workers came from surrounding cities within one day's driving.

tofu 提到...


請您照一些有'彩色'的照片, 介紹些'風花雪月'的趣事. 沒想到您老光照些飛機啊,農田,建地啦, 這是搞什麼飛機. 要看的是有'好看的彩色照片'...不是這種的...哈...是像我以前常傳給你看的那種...

唉,我想這有三種可能,第一,就是剛到摸不到門路; 第二,您老是'妻管炎'....我看我們落雁嫂,盯的這麼緊,我小弟才剛提出要求,..嫂子馬上就提起出門前有給你吃'定心丸'...我看那就算了...不要免強,免的回家被修理...
