2007年9月30日 星期日

有意思的....英文 腦筋急轉彎

哈, 不可以到google 或其他網站去找答案.

.答對的,字體將改為'粗體綠色' 答案為紅色.

1.What is smaller than an insect's mouth ?
answer : insect food.
2.From what number can one take half and leave nothing ?
answer : 8

3.What season is the most dangerous one ?
answer : fall. 跌倒有時會致命.

4.Can you name days of this week without saying:Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday,and Firday?
answer : weekdays

5.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
answer : blackboard

6.What has teeth but can't eat?
answer : comb, Rake , and what else?

7.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it. How can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still remains in the basket ?
answer : one girl got an apple with the basket.
何博士的答案也對,  哈, 但太殘忍,也太浪費了.要殺了他,不會帶回家作佣人,或做小的.

8.What did zero say to eight?
sorry, ming-shen,您的答案也對, wearing a belt make you look slender....
這一題跟第九題可以有很多創意的說法, 大家可以在想想看.
bikerdoc : Nice belt. close, ...but i think there are some better ones.

9.What did number 1 say to 7?
bikerdoc : You have a long nose.... biker, please tell me whose nose is on top of his head.

10.What man can not live inside a house?
落雁嫂 : doorman... a doorman has the right to live inside the house, right.

11.What part of London is in Brazil?

12.Why is a river rich?
answer : cause a river has two banks

13.A man jump form a plane , but there was noting wrong with him .
Do you know why?
飛劍兄, ha, close but not good enough, 您的答案太危險, 應還有更好的答案.
answer : he's a skydiver..... and what else?

14.Why did Jhone say he didn't know where the sun was?
biker : He lives at the opposite side of the moon.....biker, tell me who lives at the opposite side of the moon?..ha
落雁嫂 : it was cloudy and raining.....and what else?

15.Where dose a person stay for the longest time in his life ?
answer : in bed

16.Why dose Tom's mother go to work by plan every day?
answer : she is a flight attendant.

17.If it takes three and a half minutes to boil one egg , how long dose it
take to boil four eggs?
answer : 3 1/2 minutes , techincally right. maybe a few seconds more, ha.

18. If three birds are sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of them ,how many will be left?
answer : one dead bird

19.What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right hand?
answer : your right hand.

20. What question can never get answer "yes"?
ming shen, my answer is yes either in my dream or in your dream. ha.
bikerdoc : What is the opposite of yes? ....yes? what? 我聽無啦...哈
落燕嫂 : Are you stupid?.....yes, mam, i'm as stupid as your hubbie. ha

2007年9月29日 星期六



First of all you need to buy a pineapple because it takes one to grow one.

The easiest way to grow the plant is to cut off the crown (the leafy top)........etc.....


兩年後等著吃鳳梨了! 做室內觀賞植物也不錯。

2007年9月22日 星期六

TAIWAN ~Touch Your Heart~

ila formosa, taiwan will touch your heart...
let me share this clip with all you guys... This is where we come from... Taiwan..... enjoy...

taiwan will touch your heart

2007年9月20日 星期四

Rich Dad, Poor Dad:

What the rich teach their kids about money - That the poor and middle class do not!


Very good book to read and think about for a very long time.

2007年9月17日 星期一

You've Got A Friend

You've got a friend   James Taylor

When you're down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
  to brighten up even your darkest nights

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer, or fall
All you have to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah
You've got a friend

If the sky above you should turn dark and full of clouds
And that cold north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together and call my name out loud
And soon I will be knocking upon your door
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
all you got to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?
People can be so cold
They'll hurt you and desert you
Well they'll take your soul if you let them
Oh yeah, but don't you let them

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Oh babe, don't you know that
Winter, spring, summer or fall
Hey now, all you've got to do is call
Lord, I'll be there, yes I will
You've got a friend
You've got a friend
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend
You've got a friend

Originally by James Taylor .....A song that I heard from a Japanese singer this



Did the price of gold go up? Nope! It is your dollar worth less.

2007年9月15日 星期六

Talk Sex, Anyone?


前幾個星期日晚上11pm 臨睡前無意中轉台時看到這個老祖母主持 "談性" 的Call-in節目。
Sue Johanson is Canada's foremost sexual educator and counsellor, recipient of the distinguished Order of Canada.
想到我們成長過程,無形中不知被灌輸了多少錯誤的觀念..... 不妨到這節目的網站去修些學分吧!

美勝投王對決 洋基王建民 對 紅襪貝克特

9/16日台北時間 凌晨4:05分 看王建民奪19勝

美國 fox 廣播網全美直播

大聯盟目前有6位17勝投手, 王建民貝克特各為18勝, 週日凌晨將對決爭第19勝. 兩人各剩3場比賽,都有機會爭取最佳投手的賽揚獎. 詳情看下面連結:

勝投王對決 王建民跟貝克特(beckett) 19

(Well, there is always a first time. Boston's Josh Beckett and New York's Chien-Ming Wang are the respective leaders of their postseason-bound staffs, and both will receive ample support among the voting members of the Baseball Writers Association of America. They are hardly running a match race, but their season-long excellence on the road to 20 wins will be hard to ignore.)

cy young award 賽揚獎 美國最佳投手獎

王建民 貝克特 對決勝投王 (中時)

2007年9月13日 星期四

My first woodwork

I have been in a woodwork class for women these days.

This is my first project, a stool (was supposed to be). Looks more like a small table after completed. The wood, rimu, was from our old kitchen cupboard.
Several decades ago, rimu here had been used massively for construction, it becoming an endangered species. Now, logging has been banned; the recycled timber and furniture made from it circulate popularly in the market.

After painted

Next project—a wine rack, for 8 bottles.

2007年9月7日 星期五

美女網賽 詹詠然/ 莊佳容 晉級冠軍賽


2007年9月5日 星期三


大兒子去北加唸書, 小兒子沒人講話, 家中突然清靜下來, 我也開始湖失亂想, 兒子是否能試應, 是不是可以抗壓, 是否會被當, 會不會轉系, 女朋友分開吹了嗎, 新的長得的怎麼樣, 人好不好, 希望是我喜歡的, 為什麼不打電話回來, 想想---- 我當年翹課跳舞喝酒, 成績很爛, 我老爸也不知道, 所以嘛, 不必管他了, 只要定期寄錢去就是了, 不想了. 同學們, 分享你的經驗吧.

2007年9月1日 星期六

成功的秘密 / 為什麼很多同學都沒上線?

Secrets of Success
My success wasn’t based on how I could push down everyone around me. My success was based on how much I could push everybody up. And eventually their success was the same way. And in the process they pushed me up, and I pushed them up, and we kept doing that, and we still do that.




哈, 有次在skype上, 我們有5六位同學在聊,長空飛劍突然問我說,為什麼我們有很多同學都沒上部落格來聊.

飛劍兄, 右邊的圖就是原因, 哈.

前幾天, 重人兄回台, 榮家是我找來預備做陪者之ㄧ. 他說他看我們在部落格上聊了很過癮, 也想來參一腳,甚至也想要大嫂一起來,但就是怎麼弄都上不來,哈。 後來我又打電話給他,他剛好在車上,他說回家後會馬上跟我聯絡,我來幫他解決。

結果到現在,他可能還沒有回到家,因為我還沒接到他的電話. 我的媽啊, 他公司離家可真遠! 人家何博士作飛機從台灣都回到美國5,6 天了, 他還沒到家.

不然就是他家的'馬'壞了, 可能是買到'跛腳馬', 不然他的'馬上',怎麼這麼慢.

還有可能是另一各原因, 他的'喜生'米堡, 真的很好吃, 生意好的不得了(我也常到costco買來吃) , 錢賺太多 , 數到現在還數不完. 說到這裡我就想起他說改天也要拿各2箱給我, 我看我先買匹好一點的馬送他, 否則要等這騎跛腳馬的'馬上' , 不知要等多久.