2007年5月7日 星期一

ION USB Turntable

USB Turntable ???..... Very interesting!!! anybody wants one?!buy it at costco.com ($30 Off)

8 則留言:

tofu 提到...

飛劍兄: 您貼的這是什麼東西?!現在哪有人會用'轉盤'? 不都是用cd,或mp3, 或Mediaplayer嗎?


Bikerdoc65 提到...


It can be used as a tool to transfer the old music on the vinyl into digital format. The old vinly records have unique music "flavor". I still have many of them left in Taiwan.

長空飛劍65 提到...

Analog recording is true to the sound, digital recording is very close but not 100% exact copy.
That is just some people's saying, I am not that critical of it.
But I really miss looking at the record turn and turn and turn... lots of good old memories.

tofu 提到...

oh, that's incredible... can change old ones into new ones, thanks, bikerdoc and flying sword, i don't know we now have this kind of magic stuff in the existing world .

where do you find this stuff, flying sword, do they have some kind of machine which can change a beautiful and not-too-old(or maybe a little bit old) lady into a young and gorgeous hottie.

be sure to tell me if you can find one, i'm damn sure that i need to buy one now, not only for my wife, but also for me and for our classmates. especially, after having chatted with bikerdoc last night, i remember the article i ever posted on our blog that goes like...
(1) 越看越遠,越尿越近
(2) 坐著打瞌睡,躺下睡不著.
(3) 往事忘不掉,新事記不牢.
(4) 上面想幹嘛,下面沒辦法.
(5) 以前硬著等,現在等著硬.

2. 一對黃昏戀人的感傷.... 十年後的 65chemists ... 哈
老夫嘆: "一條河水早已乾, 兩座乳山成平川, 只剩兩顆葡萄乾."

老婦嘆: "茅草堆裡到處翻, 始終不見槍和彈, 只見一根蘿蔔小而彎."

and i think i'll buy one at any cost.

長空飛劍65 提到...


tofu 提到...

嗯, 我聽過這個電梯的故事,而且也看過實例,有時候很有用.


有次我看過兩位身材玲瓏有緻的年輕辣妹進去後,變成兩位老太婆出來...有時候會看到幾個漂亮小妞進去後,出來時有的小妞變成小狗....這種機器實在太可怕了. (不過也許是我只注意漂亮的辣妹,或是這種機器只對年輕美麗的女人有作用,...像我及我老婆坐過很多次都沒問題).

這種要看機率的'變東西'玩意,像賭博,不好玩 要賭還不如賭股票,只要用功點,還比較有勝算.

對了還有, 好像'美國'這玩意也不能隨便玩,太可怕了.

我記得大學畢業時,飛劍兄,bikerdoc,文仁,doc hohoho,王仰賢,石全,邱照宏...你們這些人都很年輕英挺,甚至有的還很英俊蕭灑,怎麼'只'去了一趟'美國',這次回來,每一個人都變老了,甚至有些同學連頭都快要變光了.

這讓我想起以前在學校學的一句英文成語 "a rolling stone gathers no moss, 滾石不生苔",真的有道理. 滾石不要說不生苔,連頭髮都不生了。 經過了這幾十年,我才真正了解其真意. 還好我去美國,只去了兩年,否則我也會像我的室友文仁兄,一樣。 holly cow!

對了飛劍兄,我們文仁老大,怎麼都沒有他的消息, 我跟他'睡'了三年,知道這小子的文筆很好且文章都很幽默,有他來加入一定很棒. 他不會連電腦都不會打吧?!

長空飛劍65 提到...


tofu 提到...

哈, 不會啦. 再說在專業投資媒體,寫稿寫了10多年,寫東西就較容易些.

人生事事難料,我從小就很不喜歡寫功課,作業常常沒交,沒想到畢業後做最長的工作,竟然是天天'要寫稿',天天'要稿'。而且是'歡迎來稿, 長短不拘'.大概是補償以前沒交的功課吧! 哈.
