2007年3月24日 星期六

謝謝明炫兄 維治兄


16 則留言:

tofu 提到...

我記得我們班上大一的班刊--化海,就是Honda 編的,有了這文膽,這部落格應會更精彩.......只是下次不要再搬'閻大人'來嚇我們了. 哈...很恐怖呢!?

長空飛劍65 提到...

在忙著奔波之餘,不要忘了跟我們分享一些 趣事、豔事 或 糗事 都可以。

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Jesus Christ! Come on, you guys really sounded like old men. Well, we are physically older but don’t mean that we have to admit that we are “old”, or, we are really that useless. The more you think that you are “old”, the older you become. If your wife tells you that you are old, she must be stilling pulling that rope on your neck. LOL
You guys need complete mental and physical makeovers. lol

wandering65 提到...

Hi, Honda 你在那? Taipei?
Tofu 說的沒錯, 你的文筆是一流的. 只是當時有些你的writing, 我是有看沒懂的.
誰還有那本 '化海'?

Tofu, 可見'閻大人'沒真嚇到你, 還可'哈', Ha Ha..

tofu 提到...

王武智還保留大一出的那本化海, 在30年聚會時有帶來,我們還在劉文慶請的晚宴中,讀了幾篇. 棒..., 王武智你如有看到此留言,應想辦法掃描後,上傳到我們的部落格, 或寄給我,我處理完後在寄還你. 感謝.

長空飛劍65 提到...

My dear sweet lord, bikerdoc, no matter you admit it or not you are very old - physically or mentally speaking.

Because the aging process is so slow you thought mentally your mind is still same as 30 years ago,
but you just need to take a look at your pictures in college, then you will know how much you have changed.

If you are not so old mentally, you will not wasting all your time with us (old people),
instead you should be chasing young girls day and night just as you did 30 years ago. 哈哈哈哈!!!!

Bikerdoc65 提到...


沈魚落雁 提到...

哈,真是一針見血.其實變老並不可怕,因為在老化的過程裡帶給我們很多的成長.像長空就是越老越可愛hee hee...bikerdoc也比年輕時有魅力多了!!

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Old Rooster

A farmer goes out one day and buys a brand new stud rooster for his
chicken coop. The new rooster struts over to the old rooster and says,
"Okay old fart, time for you to retire."

The old rooster replies, "Come on, surely you cannot handle all of these
chickens. Look what it has done to me. Can't you just let me have the two
old hens over in the corner?"

The young rooster says, "Beat it! You are washed up and I am taking over."

The old rooster says, "I tell you what, young stud. I will race you around
the farmhouse. Whoever wins gets the exclusive domain over the entire
chicken coop."

The young rooster laughs, "You know you don't stand a chance old man, so
just to be fair I will give you a head start."

The old rooster takes off running. About 15 seconds later the young
rooster takes off running after him. They round the front porch of the
farmhouse and the young rooster has closed the gap. He is already about 5
inches behind the old rooster and gaining fast.The farmer, meanwhile, is
sitting in his usual spot on the front porch when he sees the roosters
running by. He grabs up his shotgun and boom, he blows the young rooster
to bits.

The farmer sadly shakes his head and says, "Dangit, third gay rooster I
bought this month."

Moral of the story...
Don't mess with us old folks. Age and treachery will always overcome youth
and skill!

長空飛劍65 提到...

See, old folks rule!

Bikerdoc65 提到...


On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Susan went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her.

When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, he had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning."

Horrified, Susan told her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble.

"Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realising our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding, and out on the Dong."

She paused, wiped away a tear and then continued, "and if that damned ice cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today!"

Bikerdoc65 提到...


At 85 years of age, Morris married LouAnne, a lovely 25-year-old. Because her new husband was so old, LouAnne decided that on their wedding night, she and Morris should have separate bedrooms. She is concerned that her new husband may overexert himself if they spend the entire night together.

After the wedding festivities, LouAnne prepared herself for bed, and waited for the expected "knock" on the door. Sure enough, the knock comes, the door opens, and there is her 85-year-old groom, ready for action. They unite as one. All goes well, whereupon Morris takes leave of LouAnne, and she prepares to go to sleep.

After a few minutes, LouAnne hears another knock on her bedroom door. It's Morris! And he's again ready for more action. Somewhat surprised, LouAnne consents to further coupling. When the newlyweds are done, Morris kisses LouAnne, bids her a fond good night, and leaves.

LouAnne is set to go to sleep again. However, after a few short minutes, there is another knock at her door, and there he is again. Morris, as fresh as a 25-year-old and ready for a bit more action. And again they enjoy one another.

As Morris is once again set to leave, the young bride says to him, "I am thoroughly impressed that at your age, honey, I've been with guys less than a third your age who were only good once! You're a great lover, Morris."

Morris, somewhat embarrassed, turns to LouAnne and says, "You mean I was here already?”

Bikerdoc65 提到...


An older couple were lying in bed one night. The husband was falling asleep but the wife was in a romantic mood and wanted to talk.

She said: "You use to hold my hand when we were courting."

Wearily he reached across, held her hand for a second and tried to get back to sleep.

A few moments later she said: "Then you use to kiss me."

Mildly irritated, he reached across, gave her a peck on the cheek and settled down to sleep.

Thirty seconds later she said :"Then you use to bite my neck"

Angrily, he threw back the bed clothes and got out of bed.

"Where are you going ?"she asked.

"To get my teeth!"

honda 提到...

長空 Wandering 太抬舉了,當不起,說笑可以。我現在台北,下個月會去廣州。大陸

wandering65 提到...

Hi, Biker
the first time knowing there are gay roosters, quite refreshing.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

There are no gay roosters. The young rooster duped to chase the old rooster was mistaken by the farmer as a gay rooster. hehe