2007年3月11日 星期日

Adobe photoshop is fun....

Ha! Ha! Ha!!!

6 則留言:

tofu 提到...

哇, 真不知道要感謝, 還是要ㄍㄢ四聲....哈, 這個'短空不飛劍'實在厲害,來這招.

長空飛劍65 提到...

但願我也有如此身材,足以媲美Brad Pitt :)...

wandering65 提到...

The attic is an interesting place to shop, I found, ha ha...

Where is Tofu, I saw him yesterday. Has been ordered away?

Who is the next? you? 長空.
How you do that, almost flawless.

PS, 我從昨天笑到現在.

Cinderella 提到...

The men in the penthouse are really drop-dead gorgeous like Brad Pitt.

wandering65 提到...
長空飛劍65 提到...

Hmm... which HOTcelebrity should I use for wandering?... but I need at least one of your picture first,
too bad you didn't joint our 30 reunion. :(...