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怎麼從來都不覺得你是mountain 型的?珍重山? where?
長空飛劍65,You joined the club only for welcome and farewell parties. I was not a club member. I took the challenging one.
雪山是台灣第二大山,3886米高,我只有望塵莫及的份。不過我倒是健行過合歡山,可能是大一寒假而且剛好碰上春節。大一時參加的另一個社團是土風舞社,只有去過迎新而已,所以我還是 "比較像 mountain 型"....
How about his one? hehe高三生張元植黃紹庭勇登6962米南美極峰 http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-Focus/2007Cti-Focus-Content/0,4518,9603040021+0+0+101547+0,00.html
I have many memories about 惠蓀林場, both good and bad. All in all, it was my favorite spot for a short break when I lived in 豐原long long ago.
5 則留言:
怎麼從來都不覺得你是mountain 型的?
珍重山? where?
You joined the club only for welcome and farewell parties. I was not a club member. I took the challenging one.
大一時參加的另一個社團是土風舞社,只有去過迎新而已,所以我還是 "比較像 mountain 型"....
How about his one? hehe
I have many memories about 惠蓀林場, both good and bad. All in all, it was my favorite spot for a short break when I lived in 豐原long long ago.