2007年3月17日 星期六

Apple trees of next door

These days I am busy collecting fallen apples of next door to avoid them getting rotten on the ground. Many branches of those apples are in our territory, but never bother to pick them. People of next door don't pick them either.
I took a bite from a fallen one once, not pretty by the look, but tasted not bad actually. No wonder birds like them and these apples are for them only.

Birds here live like kings and queens, they enjoy my elderberry very much also. Elderberry, a kind of wild berry, tastes sour and sweet, dark purple in color, smaller than blue berry. Some birds love them so much they even settle in there. I found a nest up on a branch and another one in the camellia next to it. Handy shopping around I guess. The problem is while they are happy having their meals they also bombarding my car with their many droppings, purple poo poo, and my car happens to be white.

10 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...

Those apples look delicious, you can try to make apple juice if your neighbor don't want it either.
I like your clothesline, especially those cute multi-color clothes pin(clip?).
Does NZ have many domestic autos? or you guys drive mostly imported cars?
It's funny that I buy Japanese car most of the time, except that Dodge grand caravan.

winstonhohoho 提到...

An apple a day, Doctor away. So many apples, you will be healthy for a long time.

wandering65 提到...

Vechicles here all imported, NZ has no automobile industry.
My car is a second-hand Toyota.

wandering65 提到...

Dr.Ho 的建意果然不同.
這句話也是我常跟我兒講的, 為了要促銷買的整袋apple.

tofu 提到...

除的何博士說的那句外,另外有兩句與蘋果有關的西方諺語, 芳蘭你好像都用的上

The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. 【諺】 另一邊墻裡的蘋果最香甜.(東西 總是別人的好)

The rotten apple injures its neighbor. 【諺】 一顆壞蘋果,毀了一大 籮(一個壞人,帶壞一群).

p.s. 難怪很多人說,"老公是別人的好","別人的老婆比較漂亮". 我看了芳蘭post的文章及照片, 才真正領會到真義,...尤其看到別人家牆裡的蘋果真的比芳蘭院子地上的蘋果漂亮. 應該是事實說明一切了,看來好像蠻有道理的....

不知道我這邏輯思考,是對還不對? 要請各位學養淵博,見識廣闊的老同學加以指導,指教.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

One day I bought a gallon of unfiltered fresh apple cider (cloudy type) and found it was so delicious so I finished it within a couple of days all by myself. Suddenly, my back pain was gone. At first, I doubt it had any thing to do with apple cider. I repeated this experiment for many years it always worked very well. I also found eating a couple of apples a day had the same effect. I was totally amazed by the benefits. Recently, I found that taking apple cider vinegar has the same effect.


I suggest you try it if you have some pains and aches. Don't tell your wife why you suddenly became youger. LOL

Bikerdoc65 提到...

This is a better website.



wandering65 提到...

Thank you, Biker, the therapy for healing pain. I might have to eat more apples every day.

Hmm.. 天上掉下來的蘋果可能是有問題的!?
You may be right, Toufu.
We have birds there doing the 'QC'. They are royal family, eat only the best.

長空飛劍65 提到...


長空飛劍65 提到...

I have been suffering from neck pain for years, I think due to staring at the monitor for too long.
The pain will be more severe after driving because you need to keep your head steady for a long time.
At first I took multi-vitamine and E, it did help a lot but it can't cure the pain completely.
Finally I suspect my (very old) pillow might be the culprit cause every morning I woke up with a stiff neck.
And my guess was right, after switching to a new set of pillow, I don't have neck pain for 3 weeks already.