2010年1月25日 星期一

康定情歌 - 宋祖英 and Placido Domingo

A friend of mine sent me this and I enjoyed it very much. It's amazing that Placido Domingo can sing in Chinese so well. The concert was held in Bird Nest in Beijing and even better they got Lang Lang playing the piano.

2010年1月24日 星期日

"volcker's rule " 全球市場將震盪加劇

2010-01-23 工商時報









小心!!! 歐巴馬的新銀行政策 對全球各種投資市場衝擊鉅大

歐巴馬鐵腕金改 金融業震撼2010-01-23

工商時報 【記者吳慧珍/綜合外電報導】





 美國官員指出,此計畫一旦付諸實施,摩根大通和美國銀行等金融巨擘將被迫選擇經營方向,即在商業銀行和自營商交易之間擇一為之。換言之,高盛集團或摩根大通等華爾街鉅子可能被迫出脫旗下的私募基金業務,也須停止四處收購。據悉摩根大通有意將私募基金One Equity Partners脫手。 ... 全文請點上面標題.

2010年1月20日 星期三

Avatar - comments #2

哈! 我們昨天才去看, 接著去吃炸魚排,有收據為證。
(Martin Luther King holiday)


Have you seen this movie? It is breathtaking, but you must watch in 3D (wear glasses). Not too much of story, but the scenes are beautiful. I watched in the IMAX theater the first week and waiting an hour in a long line. It is the best 3D movies I have even seen. Its revenue is approaching Titanic.

2010年1月10日 星期日

West Mexico Cruise

Ship interior

Room interior

Cabo San Lucas

The end of the land




Interior shopping Steet

Mariner of the sea

Too stressful in life, I took my first cruise (Royal Caribbean) during the last week of the 2009. The ship has 14 floors and holds about 2,000-3,000 passengers and 1,500 cruise members. It is like a shopping mall with restaurants, shops, theater, shows, casino, gym, arcade, etc. So you eat, sleep, and visit ports. This a eight-day seven-night trip and visited 3 ports (Baja Mexico-Cabo San Lucas) from LA port. Lot of acitivities going on the ship. Buffet restaurant opens most of the day, it is easy to gain weight during the trip. Typically, $100-$150 (plus ~$10 tip daily) a day a person depends on the season (30-40% off for low-season). Rooms have exterior (with window, bacony), and interior rooms (street view and no view). The ship travels 26 miles per hour. I am very easy to get sea-sick, but I felt fine in this big ship.
A while ago, Star mentioned about retire on ship, mmmm, one-month-may be yes, long-term- may be not. Although a lot of acitivities on ship, but they are very similar day after day.

2010年1月3日 星期日

Can lawnmower fly?

It could be your next toy.