2009年9月20日 星期日

All hail the ten-armed USB charging cable

Anybody want one? It’s only $10.
"The cable can’t be used for “Data HotSync” except for the iPod connector. So it’s strictly a power-only affair. And you can only hook up one device at a time. So it’s not perfectly perfect, but I’ll still probably get one in the interest of keeping the cable monster that lives on my desk under control."



2009年9月18日 星期五

Swine Flu Song

I love it. haha

2009年9月15日 星期二

My moon cake - Happy 中秋節

I found this very delicious moon cake at Atlanta. Please see the attached picture.
Actually it is made at L.A.

2009年9月14日 星期一

Who designed this?

Here's something I've not seen before. Air controller or traffic cop?

This puts a whole new meaning to the saying, "Never run a red light!" Did you know Gibraltar 's Airport runway and vehicular traffic crossings intersect at the same level?

Meteorologists continue to challenge global warming theory

Atlanta had been very hot during the first several years after I arrived here in 2000, but, the weather has been very mild for the last four five years. The temperature used to hit above 100 F frequently in the summer, but that frequency has dropped dramatically through these years. We didn't have a single day above 100F and the highest were most in the low 90's this year. It seems to me that the weather has been making a reversal to global cooling. Please watch the video. What do you thik?

I don't know if you guys noticed this change at Taiwan and California.

2009年9月13日 星期日


Visited Wei-Chi and Ling at Atlanta last month (Aug.11). Thank you very mcuh for the very nice French Cousine. We had a wonderful dinner time.

2009年9月8日 星期二

No Economic Recovery in Sight: More Financial Chaos Ahead

You will know why gold has been going up after reading this article. I have three targets for the price of gold.

1. $3,000 - This is a very achievable target in 3 years.
2. $5,000 - When too many things got out of control worldwide. Watch 2015.
3. $7000 to $10,000 - Hyperinflation in the US and many countries.

I real hope we don't see gold go over $3000 because it will indicate disastrous financial situations. Too many people will lose every thing and even their lives.

Please protect yourselves when you still have the chance that is atleast 15% of your liquid assets in physical gold and at least 6 months of cash as living expenses under your direct controls.